The right visual identity, the one that ensures you maximum presence on the search engines.
More than 3,000 satisfied entrepreneurs
Do you want a website to your image that will represent your products and services? Do you think about advertising on Google, Bing, Construction411 or Facebook ads, or do you want Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn, etc.? We have the solution to your needs! Since 1996, our team has been designing websites. With the arrival of Google and others, we adapted our strategy to maximize your presence on search engines.
Logo design
Design and redesign of professional logo to the image of your company.
Website design
Design, update and optimization of website.
SEO of your website
Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) maximizes the indexing of your website on search engines.
Web campaign and electronic marketing
Advertising campaign on the internet creation and management of accounts. We design online marketing campaigns on the most popular websites such as Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter and Turnkey Construction411.
Social networks
Creation of Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, etc.
OPTILOG COMPAGNIE DE GESTION inc. | 22, rue St-Charles, Ste-Thérése, Qc.,J7E 2A4
Laval and North shore : 450.437.1600 | Montreal : 514.990.6966 | Elsewhere in Quebec : 800.437.0547 • • •
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